Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Fabulous Fairy Gardens and Delightful Dish Gardens

If you're quiet, very quiet, you might just be lucky enough to spot a fairy here in the garden at Lovely Manors. These ethereal creatures are shy, but they love beautiful gardens...

Do you believe in fairies? We've seen them here at Lovely Manors!

When they're not sprinkling their magic fairy dust, fluttering with the butterflies and buzzing with the bees amongst a mixture of flowers, they need a place to rest; and where better to do so than in their very own Fairy Garden!

You can buy a complete garden, ready to go; or you can create your own, either from scratch or you can add to one of the dish gardens we already have available. Alternatively you could take your favorite planted container to the next, magical, level. We have some beautiful fairy silhouettes in a variety of sizes which are lovely enough to entice a fairy flock to your garden. We have one of the larger ones in a planted container here at Lovely Manors...

A fairy silhouette in one of our planted pots. We have a range of silhouettes in several different sizes.

Making a fairy or dish garden is simple and fun. It makes a perfect vacation activity for the kids, and a great hobby for people of all ages. Start with a dish, wooden box or planter/pot and build from there. We have a stunning terrarium which looks just great decorated with lights, moss and furniture -  and of course, it's quite something else when the fairies are at home. A rare sight that only a lucky few have witnessed, but we all keep on looking, hoping for a glimpse!

You can pick up lots of things to decorate your garden wherever you go...driftwood and pebbles from the beach, sticks from the garden, anything that catches your eye. Children can learn a lot about plants, develop their creativity and generally have a great time building their garden. It's not just for girls either...everyone can have fun getting their hands dirty and searching out bits and pieces to add to their magical masterpiece. You can also create gardens around ponds, under trees...anywhere you think the fairies might like to be!

There are several plants which work really well...for example:
  • Moss (you can use live moss or dried moss)
  • Lemon Thyme (fragrant and beautiful). Other varieties of thyme are great too.
  • Lewisia
  • Sedum
  • Delosperma
  • Corsican mint
  • Ferns
Remember to think about where you will be keeping/starting your fairy garden when considering which plants to choose (shade/sun/indoors). We can offer advice on that, contact us if you need help! Don't forget to water your garden too....the fairies are often too busy to keep up with this and rely on you to take care of it for them! Obviously you won't need to water if you go for an indoor garden with no live plants. 

A basic dish garden, ready for you to sprinkle your fairy dust over and turn into a magical garden. You can see moss, Corsican mint, a Sedum and Lewisia in this dish.
 There are so many pretty additions you can put into your garden as you build it....we have a range of garden furniture, fencing, sparkles, gardening equipment and even creatures to keep your flying friends company, all available here. Get creative and add marbles, and anything else that glitters and glints, a fairy's favorite thing! The only limit is your imagination, so get creating!

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